WVMSFF Primary Logo

WVMSFF 2023 Poster

WVMSFF 2023 Logo Variations

WVMSFF 2022 Submit Graphic


Established in 2010, the West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival is a non-profit creation of the Electronic Media program of the West Virginia University School of Art and Design.

Along with co-organizing the past two versions of the festival, a small group of creative team members and I were dedicated to creating excitement for the festival over a five month timeline. I took responsibility as a lead producer and designer on the team, and in doing so, led the rebrand of the festival.

With WVMSFF, I direct, create, & manage total design, lead the production of brand design, and produce promotional content. Some of the work I do with print collateral includes: production of event pamphlets, promotional print posters, printed flyers and any additional signage. On the digital side, my responsibilities include: designing promotional graphics, creating social media promo videos, and assisting in web design.

I work with multiple creatives on this project frequently, including other designers, producers and videographers in order to produce quality material. Although I created some of the collateral individually, not all of it is solely my own to take credit for.


Skills Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Videography, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Acrobat, Canva

WVMSFF 2022 Logo Variations

WVMSFF 2023 Program

WVMSFF 2023 Program

WVMSFF 2023 Program

WVMSFF Social Media Post